Friday, July 15, 2011


Beloved Mak and Aki

Iye, bunyinya macam coffee instant... semua dalam satu. :)
Saya mulakan dengan hari ini, 15 Julai 2011. Hari ini adalah ulangtahun kelahiran Aki (baca: Ayah) saya yang ke 72. Saya baru menelefon Aki dan Mak, mengucapkan buat Aki agar berbahagia dan diberkati Allah sentiasa. I love you, Mak and Aki.


Seterusnya, 7 Julai 2011, saya dan family meraikan hari kasih sayang Isma's Family dengan jayanya. Saya merancangnya bersempena menyambut Father's Day (beloved hubby), kedatangan Ramadhan dan juga meraikan kejayaan saya memperoleh DL semester lepas dan juga kesyukuran atas ni'mat sihat dan kasih sayang dan kebahagiaan yang Allah anugerahkan untuk kami sekeluarga. Semoga dengan ni'mat ini, kami menjadi hamba yang semakin bersyukur. Ameen. Kami menikmati blueberry cheese kek yg ditempah khas di Salsabila Freshbake. So yummy! Dan buat pertama kalinya makan ayam goreng dan mandy rice di MFC... you guys should try it ok.

Sebelum tu, kami juga sudah celebrate di La Chateau de puah. Saya rekomen tempat makan ini... sangat santai dan merehatkan. Saya suka!


Saya juga ada good news.... ye, saya pregnant our third child, alhamdulillah. Kini, kandungan saya berusia 5 bulan dan sihat. In syaAllah expected due date is on November 2011. Yes... sempat makan kuih raya, in syaAllah. Menjelang kelahiran zuriat kami yang ketiga ini, Fekhry akan berusia 1 tahun 2 bulan... quite rapat kan? Rezeki... :)


Cuti sekolah a.k.a Abdul Karim's Family gathering yang meriah. Sudah lama saya sekeluarga tidak bertemu begini. Seronok sangat rasanya. Kebetulannya hari guru is celebrated by ALL my father's daughters (iye kesemua adik beradik perempuan saya adalah PENDIDIK... selamat hari guru ye kakak kakakku semua).


Kemeriahan diteruskan dengan majlis doa selamat Restoran De Siantan Corner kepunyaan abang ipar dan kakak ipar saya. Semoga bisnes Abang Long dan Kak Long akan sukses. Dan juga bisnes menu Pahang oleh Acu dan mak. Sgt sedap ok... cuba jangan tak cuba.


On top of these, saya nak letak few memorable pics, nntlah in syaAllah saya akan upload ye.
Sekian dulu. Saya agak sibuk lately.

Salam Ramadhan semua!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Duhai Anak

Hari ini, saya dan suami membawa Angah a.k.a Fekhri ke klinik untuk imunisasinya usia 5 bulan. Sepanjang lima kali kami membawanya untuk rutin imunisasi, Fekhri for me is stronger in bearing the pain. Fekhri skrg dah laju meniarap, suka menghadiahkan kami senyuman manisnya, suka bersembang, ralit ketika dimandikan dan kuat menyusu. Bersama Izz, kegemarannya ialah memerhatikan aksi mentornya itu. Saya sangat gembira dan bersyukur... segalanya bagai himpunan bab demi bab daripada my motherhood journey.
Izz is a our wonderful little helper. He loves to look after his brother terutama waktu saya berwudhu dan memasak... angkat beg adiknya sewaktu pulang dr rumah bb sitter dan of course, a good mentor for his brother.From day to day, Izz grows as a smart big brother.. how much I love both of you, dear.
Now, both of them are sleeping next to me. Looking at their faces make my days bright and meaningful. (p/s : hajat di hati nk upload piv fresh from the oven, tp sayangnya upload diisabled :-( ) next time aja ya!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Usai kelas malam itu, saya tidak segera pulang. Kebetulannya, saya mahu mendapatkan jurnal-jurnal via akses kampus, saya lantas mengambil tempat di ruang legar bangunan PG.

Teman-teman masih kelihatannya berbual sesama mereka. Saya tiba-tiba terlihat Prof kelas saya tadi berbual bersama seorang rakan sekelas saya yang saya fikir palajar PhD. Lama juga saya melihat mereka berbual. Kelihatannya, rakan saya itu bertanya itu dan ini kepada Prof. Sekalipun, malam semakin menginjak, Prof masih menekuni pertanyaan demi pertanyaan pelajarnya. Saya kagum sungguh.

Saatnya Prof mahu beredar ke keretanya, sempat beliau memandang kami semua sambil tersenyum. Pesannya.

"Take care of yourself and your FAMILY. They are what we are for!"

Bagi saya, kalimat itu amat bermakna. Ya. Hadirnya saya untuk keluarga saya. Dan kejayaan bagi saya adalah kejayaan yang SEIMBANG/ BALANCED antara pencapaian akademik, keluarga, kerjaya dan ummah!

Sungguh. She said something short yet meaningful to me! She always remind me in her own, motherly, gentle way... Thanks Prof :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

On Your Birthday

Each year, today is the day I do highlight in my planner and keep it updated in my mobile phone. It is a special day for me.

On this meaningful day, I would like to express "Happy Special Birthday for My Beloved Hubby". Throughout this almost six years, each year's celebration really means for me. Definitely, it is another more wonderful days being with you.

Izz and Fekhri wish you too. They say "Epi Bithday U Yu, Baba" ... most likely this is dedicated by Izz (look at the sentence ya).

Our prayers are always with you. May you have successful life, happy days, bright smile, good health and sound iman.
We love you so much, baba!

In fact, I wish to paste many more memorable pics here, but as usual, I prefer moderate one. Exclusive version is in my privatized blog, of course.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Suddenly, I feel deeply indebted to all my teachers (formal as well as informal) and lecturers whom used to and keep grooming me with patience and smile.

Teacher's Day is still far away, but waiting for the moment is neither could ease how I feel right now nor help me to stop thinking about you all. This feeling is a great, sincere gift from Him.

To them...

I humbly expressed heartiest THANKS and may Allah bless you all.

informal knowledge discussion and circles
- especially where currently I am devoting myself for knowledge -

Thursday, February 10, 2011


On 15 - 16 January 2011, we had two days event on SMART Retreat in PD (I owe an entry on this beneficial prog!). Definitely, I met few of my long-time no see friends who are currently doing their PhD. Most of them said..."Sa'diah you look skinner!". "Really?" I told myself perhaps that is true.

Few weeks before, I attempted to put on my old white-black sandal for outing. Surprisingly, they are already loose for me to walk comfortably. What this suppose to mean?

Few of my blouses and trousers now need to be adjusted. Just because they are all loose already! Unbelieveable? OOhhh..

Yesterday, I got off my car slowly and picked by bags (yeah... i keep bring at least two bags to my office hehe... itu tak masuk breast pump and cooler bags lagi cam dulu2..). I locked the car and greet my long-time no see officemate. Surprisingly, my friend said.. "You look bigger now!" waahh.. I just cant believe this!

Haha... am i putting on my weight??? Hopefully not!